From the Principal 

Welcome back to our second last Newsletter for Term 3. The year is simultaneously flying by and creeping along. 


We continue to miss the daily joys of seeing and chatting to students and staff on campus, but commend everyone for the ways they are continuing to make connections, engage with their learning and make progress. 


We do not know any more about when we might be returning to an onsite program, although our planning for when that eventually happens is well underway to ensure the safety and wellbeing of everyone. 


We are carefully considering what experiences and activities will best support a transition back to school, and we are planning multiple scenarios for all of our Year 12 final experiences, such as graduation, assembly and concerts. 


We hope that students enjoyed a day free from screen time last Wednesday 26 August, when staff were working together to plan for the next few weeks of remote learning. We hope that students managed to find time to participate in some of health and wellbeing activities/ideas provided. The staff were highly productive, ensuring that our plans are robust and aligned between classes. 


Staff are also looking forward to catching up with families – parents/carers and students next week and the week after during Parent Student Teacher Conversations. These will again be held via phone. Later in the newsletter, you will find the information required to set up bookings. The first day, Thursday 10 September has been prioritised for senior students. Please ensure that your contact details are updated on Compass. 


Why you are feeling tired and finding it hard to be motivated?

A wonderful member of staff shared this article with me the other day. It takes about 13 minutes to read, but it helps to explain how we may be feeling, and I don’t know about you, but if I can explain it, that makes me feel better. It also has some tips for how we can cope even in these difficult times.



Master Plan Working Party

Earlier in the year the School Council put out a call for family representatives to join a Master Plan Working Party. I think the disruption of COVID had an impact on its effectiveness. We know that there is likely to be significant infrastructure investment as we transition out of the State shutdown, and thus would like to be ready to make a case for funding to progress the development of permanent facilities at Northcote High. Please find attached a document outlining the aspirations of the group, and follow the instructions to make contact, if you think your expertise will support this important work. 


Ideally we could meet once via video conferencing before the end of this term. 


I hope you enjoy exploring some of the wonderful learning and experiences of our students and staff throughout the remainder of the Newsletter. 

Stay positive and stay connected. 


Best wishes,


Sue Harrap
