L’ Angolo Italiano…

Settimana 2


What a great joy to see all students back at school this week!

It was fantastic to teach them "DAL VIVO" (which means in the flesh) and noticing how  grown up they look like now, plus I love their long hair styles!

Students were very positive to be back in the Italian room, we had such a nice time!



This term we will investigate IL CIBO, which means food. We will identify different food groups and learn how to label them in Italy. There will be also a variety of activities and games to explore IL CIBO further during the next weeks.

This week, we discussed about CIBO and then classified two initial categories, CIBO SANO/ healthy food and CIBO SPAZZATURA/ unhealthy food.

Students worked in teams to make their own posters showing the two groups. BRAVI!!





Grade 5&6 students worked as well in teams to match up a list of DOMANDE/ questions and RISPOSTE/ answers in Italian. It was a great way to revise the language and a good opportunity for peer support and team work. They performed very well and some felt CORAGGIOSI enough to come up at the front and read their work to the class! OTTIMO!

















ALLA PROSSIMA SETTIMANA/ See you next week!!

Ginevra De Benedetti

Language Teacher- Italian