Principal's Report

What a great week it has been!

Mrs Healey and a fun outdoor Maths lesson
Mr Barnes and his class exploring fractions in a fun filled outdoor maths lesson
Mrs Healey and a fun outdoor Maths lesson
Mr Barnes and his class exploring fractions in a fun filled outdoor maths lesson

Our first week back has been fabulous, with staff and students settling back into the structure and routine of a Covid normal school day.


As outlined in our last newsletter edition for Term 3, the focus for Term 4 at ACPS is:


Mental health and wellbeing 

Our highest priority will be the wellbeing, particularly the mental health, of every student and member of staff. This means effectively mobilising all available resources to support our most vulnerable students and enabling staff to access the relevant support services.


Learning and excellence

Some of our students have thrived in the remote and flexible learning environment, others have maintained their learning progress, and some have fallen behind, despite their best efforts and those of their families and teachers. Our priority will be supporting both those who need it to catch up and those who have progressed to continue to extend their learning.



We will make every effort to ensure successful transitions for children moving from kindergarten into Prep and the Grade 6s moving into Year 7.


We know some families are worried that their child may have to repeat a year due to the disruptions of coronavirus (COVID-19). There is little evidence to support the benefits of repeating a year to catch up. Instead, schools will use teaching strategies that draw on the best evidence available to help students meet their learning needs.  

Parents, families and carers can be confident that the best option for almost every child is to stay with their peer group, whether that is moving from kindergarten into Prep, or moving from Grade 6 into Year 7 at secondary school, or students moving up any year level in between.


Thank you to our parent community for assisting us in creating an ACPS 'bubble' and supporting this by following our Covid Safe Plan:

  • Adhering to staggered drop off and pick up times
  • Adopting our Drop and Go approach at the three entry points to the school
  • Wearing face masks at all times
  • Maintaining social distancing when necessary to enter and exit the school grounds
  • Minimising visits to the Office and where necessary sanitising their hands prior to entering and leaving the administration block
  • Not congregating near or at the entry points
  • Signing in and out of the Visitor's Book if on the school grounds for longer than 15 minutes
  • Attending online meetings where necessary

Other ways you have supported us and allowed for a smooth transition back to onsite learning:

  • Returning school laptops on loan so they can be sorted and redistributed where necessary
  • Following our absences procedure. We have had minimal absences this week
  • Returning books and your child's belongings necessary for learning
  • Ensuring your child has a drink bottle as our bubble taps are still off limits
  • calling/emailing your teacher with any queries and keeping your teacher updated of any well being needs your child may have

Personally, I have loved reengaging with the students and hearing about their remote learning experiences and seeing how much they have all grown.


I apologise if I have missed any of your emails along the way and welcome you to resend them if they were a high priority.


2021 Enrolments


Unbelievably, it is that time of the year again where we are planning for the 2021 school year. To assist us with this I ask you to submit your enrolment forms as soon as possible so we can work with accurate numbers and budget accordingly. If this is not practical please advise the office that your enrolment is on its way. Similarly, please advise Jo at the office if you know you will be leaving ACPS at the end of the year.


Our F/1/2s look fabulous in their super hero costumes today. In my eyes every member of our school community, from parents/carers/grandparents to staff and students are super heroes and I thank you all.


Have a happy and safe weekend...


Sue Dyos