Secondary 11/12


Team Leader's Message

Team Leader’s Message


I’d like to start by thanking Megan for acting as the Secondary 11/12 Team Leader while I was acting Assistant Principal for Wellbeing.   Our acting roles finished up just in time to commence Remote Learning 2.0. 


Words cannot express how proud I have been with the level of student engagement and effort for Remote Learning 2.0.  With the first four weeks of the term being onsite, all classes commenced new units of work. When we returned to remote learning we made the decision to continue our units to ensure that the VCAL outcomes would continue to be addressed. We increased the amount of WebEx sessions and tasks that students completed, and have seen the majority of our students develop a higher level of independence and skills that can be applied in their lives outside of school. 


I would also like to mention the growth that I have seen in all of the Secondary 11/12 teachers.  Their commitment to ongoing learning with the purpose of providing a well-rounded remote VCAL program has be a credit to their professionalism.  They have investigated various new forms of technology as a way of collecting evidence of student learning and implemented this within the program.  We are looking forward to continuing this when we return to onsite teaching.  The teachers have put together this Padlet to show some of the highlights of Remote Learning in Secondary 11/12:


If we have taken anything out of this interesting time, it is to plan light and be ready to change quickly. Some of our VCAL programs and traditional Term 4 activities and events will be impacted but to what extent, we are yet to know.   We will not be able to have the Year 12 Graduation in the same way we have (external event) however we are hoping with the easing of restrictions, we can create a super special event for our wonderful Year 12 students in some way...we've got our thinking caps on.


We have endured a long ride but we are over the moon to be back to school on MONDAY 12th OCTOBER. We are nearly there, hang in there - but if you feel like just stopping, breathing, dancing, playing or collapsing to allow your body, mind and soul to refresh, then please do it. The world won't fall apart if a day or two doesn’t run to plan! Stay well and take care of yourself and your loved ones. 


Bronwyn Hart

Team Leader