R U Ok?

R U Ok? Day is a national day of action dedicated to reminding everyone that every day is a good day to ask someone ‘Are you okay?’ and to support those who may be struggling. With the additional challenges we have all faced during 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it was important to ensure that our whole MSC community felt connected and supported.

A number of staff and students contributed to a fantastic video promoting ‘R U Ok? Day’ which you can view here https://vimeo.com/455364637

Students participated in STARR Connect activities and discussions, and were also educated on how to have a supportive conversation with others following the question of ‘Are you okay?’.

This is an ongoing invitation to all to continue these positive conversations and look out for one another.

For further information on R U Ok? Day and resources for support, visit www.ruok.org.au

Clair Whittingham (Wellbeing)