
Why EVERY DAY COUNTS AND It’s not OK to be late
We have recently been reminding our school community "every day counts." This also applies to being late to school. It is crucial that children and students develop habits of regular attendance at an early age.
Poor patterns of attendance place students at risk of not achieving their educational, social and psychological potential and are disadvantaged in the quality of choices they are able to make in later life situations.
When students arrive late to school their learning can be affected.
Students who are late:
- miss out on organisation time
- miss out on roll marking
- miss out on hearing what’s happening and the learning intentions for the day
- are often unsure about what they have to do in the lesson
- can arrive at their classroom to find that their class has gone to a location and they do not know where to go
- find learning becomes disjointed and difficult
- are failing to take responsibility for their learning
- tend not to see being late as a problem
- distract other students when they arrive
- miss out on socialising with other children before school
- develop the lifelong habit of being late – bosses are less supportive than school
Parents are reminded that all students arriving late to school must be signed in at the school office by a parent or guardian.
If you are experiencing difficulty in getting your child to school on time, please discuss the matter with your child’s teacher.