Principal's Report

The school of choice for the Cobram Community
Every child matters,
Every staff member cares,
Every opportunity taken.
every opportunity...
As I write this article, I’m about to head off to the parent information session on cyber safety. The information session was put on by the combined Cobram School Principals who met together to address a pressing need in our community. Cyber safety is everyone’s business. Parents, community and schools need to join together to ensure our students remain safe when using phones/ipads/computers & particularly when they’re on social media.
Every student from Year 5 upwards, from every school participated in year level information sessions run by Tracey Porter and our students reported back to me they learned some new information. We will continue to reinforce the importance of acting responsibly & respectfully online.
every child...
Visitors to our Facebook page will see our students participating in the NEVR Music Camp – held once a year. Cobram Secondary College has the largest contingent of participants of any school. Not bad for a relatively small school – small but MIGHTY. They attend the camp with a band of dedicated staff who give up their own time to see that our students have such a fantastic opportunity. Thanks to Justin McLaren and the music team.
every staff member...
I’m looking forward to next term with expanded activities on the horizon. I’ve noted that the English team have been working on setting up a debating team who will compete against other schools in the region.
Visitors to Facebook also notice that our farm/garden is progressing well and we now have younger students who are keen to be involved. Watch this space!
A reminder to participate – the ANZAC Day March is held Thursday 25th April. We will march as a school. Please join us! We are an integral part of the community and we need to show our support of this important day and our veterans.