House News

Grevillea House

Throughout the semester Grevillea students have participated in both curricular and extra-curricular activities, with our focus being the development of student self-confidence and support for each another.


Each Mentor Group brainstormed and developed an assembly program for other Grevillea students, with respect and co-operation a key aspect.  

G2 delighted us with their skills in origami and students were taught how to create origami pieces. G3 decided it was time for some competition and students took part in a game of Dodge Ball.

G4 shared their concern about littering and waste. Everyone watched the effect of waste and rubbish on our community and considered what to do to reduce waste.  


We look forward to the presentations of the other Mentor Groups.


Ms Stav Kantzas

Grevillea Head of House

Banksia House

Term 2 has been a busy term for Banksia students and staff. House Assemblies were run by each Mentor Group, showcasing our talents and leadership skills. Highlights were a scavenger hunt organised by Banksia 2 with Banksia 3 coordinating a dodgeball competition which was won by Banksia 1.


Our Mentor Groups were also involved in a school-wide competition to design signs to remind staff and students to save power by switching off lights and air conditioners when leaving a room. The winner has yet to be announced, but it gave us all an opportunity to drive our competitive House spirit.


I would like to extend a huge thank you to our Mentor Teachers and House Captains who continue to drive the House System with an eye to providing students with the best opportunities to thrive at South Oakleigh College. Particular thanks to Ms Sarah Crespo-Liu who has taken over Banksia 3 while Ms Bronwyn Cullinan has been on long service leave.


I look forward to celebrating the success and achievements of Banksia students in Term 3 and wish all a happy and safe holiday period.


Mr Tim Columbus

Banksia Head of House