From the Assistant Principal

Junior School

Kristie Satilmis

Lorri Beer Memorial Prize

The late Lorri Beer worked tirelessly to raise funds and awareness for a cause close to her heart, Legacy, a charity supporting families of defence force members.  She became a beloved regular visitor to the school over many years, full of energy and keen to build Legacy’s profile in the community, particularly among young people.


Despite ill-heath and significant mobility difficulties in her later years, Lorri continued her charitable efforts.  Lorri's resilience and dedication to giving back to her community in her own small way are inspiring and we are proud to offer this annual prize to an AHS student in her name.


Congratulations to this year’s recipient, Year 11 student Sasha F, who was presented with her certificate at our whole school assembly last week.


Sasha has consistently taken up opportunities big and small to make a positive contribution to the school community.  Sasha is an engaged member of her classes and an active participant and contributor to all sorts of extra-curricular clubs and activities, particularly Science Week activities and STEM guest presentations.  She has been an excellent ambassador for our French specialist programs, speaking with parents as a student representative at the Principal’s morning tea and assisting with the French General Election hosted here at school.


Sasha has been a respectful advocate for diversity and inclusion in our curriculum program, has been involved in sustainability programs and initiatives both at school and beyond, such as through Zoos Victoria and has spoken with groups of visiting primary school students about ways to get involved in sustainability initiatives in and outside of school.


Sasha demonstrates her ongoing commitment to community service and is a wonderful example of our school DARE values in action.

Getting involved at AHS

We were delighted to welcome more than 400 AHS parents and guardians to our Meet the Teachers event last week.  Feedback was really positive and many attendees offered their thanks for what was an informative and enjoyable evening.  It was a real highlight to see parents mingling and chatting with each other afterwards, something that has been difficult to do at school given the restrictions of the last couple of years.  Some parents used the opportunity to set up a Whatsapp group for parent of their tutor group or year level, so they can plan for some informal social events.


There are many ways parents/guardians can get involved at AHS.  This might be helping with supervision of excursions and sporting events, participation at working bees, guest speaking, or organising social opportunities for parents.  Our school production this year is Puffs.  Please reach out and let us know if you or your business would like to sponsor the production in some way.  We’d love to hear from you.

If you’d like to get involved in some way, please let us know using this form - whether you have lots of time to spare or only a little. We are grateful for any contributions our families can make to our school community.  Thank you to those who have already been in touch.



I’ve enjoyed visiting some of our Instrumental Music classes in action this term and was really impressed by Year 8 students, Saya U and Jisue Y, for their beautiful clarinet and keyboard performance as guests arrived on Thursday night.  If you are interested in signing up for lessons, please contact office staff who will be happy to assist.