From the Acting Principal

Ross Pritchard

House Swimming

Our annual school Swimming Carnival was held at Harold Holt pool last Friday in very hot conditions.  Thankfully the pool provided some relief to the 500 plus students we had attend.  The carnival had a great atmosphere with staff and students dressed in their House colours, strong competition, numerous novelty events, dry land activities, and a raucous crowd supporting each other.  Students collected House points for participation and also for making the podium in freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly events.  The age-group relays are always a highlight and there were plenty of close finishes.  The teachers versus students event is always fun to watch, with our students assuming that they would win easily.  The teachers’ team came out ahead much to the joy of the crowd.


Events like these are essential for school spirit, and the House spirit is very strong.  House leaders across the school did a marvellous job in mobilising their troops and providing enthusiastic role models for students to follow.  All spectators showed great sportsmanship and cheered all competitors taking part.


A massive thank you to Mr Ashley Lanfranchi - Sports Coordinator, and Ms Pauline Delhostal – Acting Leading Teacher Student Leadership, for all their time in organising the day.  The collective efforts of all the staff were admirable on a very demanding, yet enjoyable day.  We can be very grateful to have so many staff who are committed to a successful extra-curricular program that enhances the student experience at Auburn High School.

Meet the Teacher

Over 400 parents attended our 2023 Meet the Teacher event last Thursday.  It was lovely to see parents mingling in the corridors, meeting other families, and chatting to staff.  Each year level’s information sessions were specifically targeted to the needs of the year levels involved, and there were great discussions held at each session.  The evening was also used to connect parents from each year level and tutor group.  This year we would love to see a higher level of connection between the school and the valued parent body.  



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Whole school assembly – Leadership and Community

Our school community recognises the importance of volunteering and community work.  Focussing on aspects of life relating to the welfare and wellbeing of others is very healthy for the development of self.  Supporting others so that you can be better supported is a theme that can be regularly heard around the school.  Taking the time to help people is very rewarding for all of us and there will be many chances for students to do this during the year. At the assembly, we recognised Sasha Folley (Y11A – Freeman) for her work in supporting people at school and within the broader community.


Year 7 leaders were presented with their badges.  In some organisations, leadership implies that leaders are at the top of a vertical hierarchy.  At Auburn High School, we see our leaders not as people in positions of power or privilege, but as people who accept opportunities to serve their peers and nurture programs and initiatives that impact academic, physical, mental, and emotional well-being.  We recognise the work of all our student leaders, who have already started this work and are mobilising the people power.

School Council Elections 2023

I would like to thank all members of School Council for their work over the past year, and in particular our School Council President, Sue Haralambopoulos.  Nominations for the 2023 School Council for Auburn High School have been called.  Schedule 1 from the Education Department states that the composition of the Auburn High School Council be as follows:

  • Total members 11
  • Parent members 6
  • Students 2
  • DET employees 3

Nominations close on Wednesday 22 February. Voting will take place between 27 February and 10 March.  The entire process will be completed before the first meeting of the new School Council held on 14 March.

Thank you for nominees and please take the time to vote and support the School Council.