From the Deputy Principal

Megan Nertney

Another great week at Living Waters with much happening. Our teachers have been focusing their attention on ensuring all children get to know their friends and teachers as strong relationships are essential to a positive learning environment, creating classroom routines and developing learning goals for the term.


Our children have been displaying the school values both in the classroom and on the playground. We move this week onto the new value of Endeavor; agree upon and play by the rules. When we play games, we want everyone to be fair and have fun. If we don’t play by the rules that is when problems can happen. We talk to the children about making sure everyone knows the rules of the game before playing the game.


We celebrated Shrove Tuesday with some delicious pancakes. Shrove Tuesday is when people have traditionally cooked or eaten pancakes to use up the fat, eggs and milk before the start of Lent. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. It is a time of prayer, fasting and almsgiving for 40 days in the lead up to Easter. We had 2B lead us in the Ash Wednesday worship this week. 


We welcomed our Library monitors, and they have been so keen to help Mrs Bevan in the library this week. We look forward to their contribution to Living Waters this year.  


We have had Netball NT helping us practice our netball skills during PE lessons. Our Year 4/5 Nest classes have been to the Waste disposal facility to learn about how our rubbish is disposed of. One thing that has been a talking point for the classes, is how much waste there is at the tip! They wonder how we can reduce our rubbish. We look forward to hearing some of their answers. 


It is hard to believe it is only Week 4, it has been a busy start to the year. 


Have a great weekend. 


Miss Megan Nertney