Grade 5/6

It has been another busy week in Grade 5/6, with Sex Ed, a netball clinic, pancake making, Interschool Sport and Phoenix Soar running, amongst all the learning going on in the classrooms.


Shrove Tuesday aka Pancake Day

There was a buzz (and a delicious smell!) in the air on Tuesday, when the students were given the opportunity to make their own pancake batter, before having them cooked by Mrs Sharland & Mrs Eastwood. Working in small groups, the students had to follow a recipe and measure out their own ingredients. The next day, the students brainstormed words to describe their pancakes and had to write a persuasive piece to convince the reader why they should or should not eat them.


ACPS Community Event

We would like to thank our Grade 6 leaders who helped set up for our very successful ACPS community event on Tuesday afternoon. The students took part in a range of fun activities, including stilt walking, bean bag throwing, parachuting & lolly-jar guessing, just to name a few! It was great to see the 'big kids' having as much as the 'little kids' at each station.


Grade 6 Leadership Assembly/Morning Tea

Just a reminder that next Wednesday at 9:10am, we will be holding a whole-school assembly in the theatre, where our Grade 6 leaders will be presented with their leadership badges. Following this, Grade 6 parents & carers are welcome to join their child and their teachers for a special morning tea. You should have received an invitation to this event via email, from Brooke Eastwood. If you haven't already, could you please RSVP to Brooke via email

We are looking forward to celebrating this wonderful group of leaders with you!