Maths Club
At GSC we look to offer students additional support and their Maths studies by providing access to a weekly Maths Club for students of all year levels. We know Maths is critical to many students’ pursuits, but can still present many challenges along the way, regardless of a student’s capabilities and so offer this program to provide another avenue of support.
Maths Club is held every Tuesday afternoon, 3.30pm – 4.30pm, in the Library and on Thursdays (the first half of lunch break) in G-Block for students needing additional help, excluding the first week of term. During each of these sessions a Maths teacher will be present to assist with any Maths based questions and challenges students may be having.
Students do not have to have specific problems with Maths to use the club and are welcome to attend with their Maths work to complete it in a quiet environment where they can get assistance if needed. Students can ask their Maths teacher or the Maths Coordinator, Aaron Freeman, for any further information.