Principals Report

- Sarah Rose, Principal

Week 4 already and we could be mistaken for thinking we’re further into term given the volume of activity having taken place.


I would like to thank all parents and carers for their support as we continue to ensure students present for school each day ready to learn by being in correct school uniform and with all necessary equipment.  Seeing our students wear their uniform with pride is wonderful as you can see that they’re approaching their learning with positivity and a ‘can do’ attitude.


A recent highlight for me was our whole-school assembly held on the 10th February in the Stadium. It’s always a pleasure to see the entire student body and staff together in the one space and this assembly had a particularly exciting energy as it was led and run by our student leaders.  It is truly impressive to see these young people conduct themselves with confidence and grace to speak in front of 1000+ people.  The focus of this assembly was to introduce our student leaders (captains) to the whole student body, provide updates on their various areas of responsibility and formally introduce the student merit system – you can read more about this further in this edition.  Our plan is to hold at least one whole-school assembly each term.  Our next one will have an ANZAC focus and is scheduled on Wednesday 26th April.

Our Year 7 students, having completed ‘welcome week’ have now headed off on camp in the Grampians for an activity packed few days and opportunity to build new peer relationships and strengthen existing ones.  I look forward to seeing all their smiling (and no doubt tired) faces return and hearing about their experiences.  Some images from the 1st camp are included in the Junior School section.


With a current enrolment of over 1100 students, foot and vehicle traffic are significant around school drop off and pick up times.  It is imperative that all members of the school community have a safe environment to arrive and leave school.  Additionally, we have over 80% of students travelling to school by bus.  Could I please ask that you read through the bus travel section carefully later in this edition, as traffic management and bus travel are areas of operations that require careful management and coordination and relies on everyone cooperating with bus travel and parking rules within and around the school grounds.  Thank you for your support.


I would like to acknowledge the amazing donation the College recently received from local office supplies store, Officebarn in Gisborne. It is incredibly generous of Leanne and the team. You can read more about this in the Junior School section of this edition. 


I sign off this edition by reiterating how great it is to have a parent/carer community working in partnership with the College and its endeavours and remind you to consider nominating for School Council as nominations are presently open (details available on the College website). 


Sarah Rose, Principal