Pastoral Academic Care (PAC) 

Pastoral Focus: Junior –    SENSE OF PURPOSE    


Wellbeing Element: MEANING & PURPOSE


Character Strength: brainstorming how they can build their wellbeing and resilience using Sense of Meaning.


Parent Wellbeing: the shadow side of a strength is when you underuse, misuse or overuse it. For example, if prudence is one of your strengths, the shadow side could see you afraid to try something new. For three of your strengths describe a time you used them on the shadow side. 


This fortnight we hear from the Year 8, Year 10 & Year 12 Leaders of Learning.

Year 8

Welcome Year 8, parents and carers to the year.


Year 8 have settled in to the start of the year very well. The blend of students in each class had been planned carefully to give the best learning environment for all. Students were challenged initially as became familiar with their new teachers and peers as well as new structures. We continue to stress the need to be focused on our learning and work together to create and maintain calm and settled classrooms. 


Our PAC classes this year are organised based on House groups where our aim is to build house spirit. Our PAC teachers linked to the house groups will be the the main teachers to contact regarding Well Being. Our PAC teachers this year are Mrs Berwise (Benilde), Miss Phillips (La Salle), Mrs Leggat (Merici) and Mrs Healey (Ursula). As the Year 8 LOL Wellbeing, I will continue to work closely with the group and help to nurture and guide them. Please contact your teachers via phone or email to open up channels of communication. We all look forward to welcoming parents and carers at our  ‘Meet and Greet’ evening on 6th March.


Our theme for the Year 8 group for 2023 is ‘Believe in the Good’. Each gathering we are reminded of this and are encouraged to make a good effort, produce good work, show good manners, and to be the good for the good of all our community. The theme will be expanded to meet the needs of the group as they transition through the mid teen years.


Students are aware and are reminded of our college expectations as expressed in the Living Well, Learning Well policy. 


Rights and responsibilities come into play as we reinforce these ideals. Our students  are to be fully organised and prepared for learning. Regular checks of devices, diary, calculator, stationary and books is necessary at home and school. This also occurs with our school uniform. Our year group looked fantastic for the school photos and this is a high standard that can be reached every day.


I thoroughly enjoyed the Twilight swimming carnival, despite the rain. Participation and college spirit was high and this enthusiasm was fed by our Seniors. Well done to our Champion swimmers.


The Year 8 retreat this Thursday gave us an opportunity to interact with our peers, build community and to reflect on life issues, our traditions and faith. Thank you to the La Sallian team of presenters and our Year 11 students for assisting with the day and creating a memorable day for all.


The college is calling for nominations to be a part of the Student Representative Council (SRC), please put your hand up and take a positive risk.


Looking forward to the year ahead.


Kath Czinner and the Year 8 PAC team



Year 10

Welcome to 2023!!


All of a sudden, we’re in Year 10! This time 3 years ago, your student was starting out on their high school adventure, settling into a new school as a Year 7 student. Just 3 years from now, your student will be setting out on the adventure of life after school. School life goes by quickly!


It is always fascinating to see the difference in students when they return to school after the summer break. The new level of maturity in a Year 10 student compared to a Year 9 student is a striking contrast. Your students are very much becoming ‘young adults’ at this stage of their lives. It is wonderful to see the students making this transition to being young adults, taking on more responsibility for themselves and their learning, creating their own paths into the future.


At O’Connor Catholic College, we have a whole team of professionals to help and support your students as they go through the transition from being Junior students to being Senior students. Our wellbeing team at O’Connor is lead by Mrs. Mellissa Bell, Assistant Principal (Wellbeing).


The Year 10 Leaders of Wellbeing is a shared role this year between Mr. Bradley Powers and myself, Mr. Shane McCann. We are grateful to have a very experienced and caring Year 10  Pastoral Academic Care team, consisting of:


Mrs. Cherie Stoessel- Benilde House

Mr. Michael Wooster - La Salle House

Mrs. Janet Price - Merici House

Mrs. Rachael Galvin - Ursula House


Our school day now begins each morning with students attending their Pastoral Academic Care in their respective house groups. This new structure was implemented based on feedback from the student representative council and our student leadership team, who wanted to strengthen the culture of ‘house spirit’ at O’Connor. Students can gain points for their respective houses through our commendation system which rewards academic achievement, commitment to personal best, participation in sports and cultural events, as well as service to the school. We really want to encourage our Year 10’s to step up this year and represent themselves and their house group with pride, through their behaviours, attitudes and participation in school life throughout the year.

Year 10 can be a pivotal year for our students. Our Year 10 team feels privileged to have the opportunity to work with this cohort of students and we look forward to guiding them through the year, with the support of their classroom teachers, their peers and their parents / carers. Please don’t hesitate to contact our staff here at O’Connor, particularly those mentioned above, if you have any queries or concerns about your student’s welfare and school life this year.


Shane McCann, on behalf of the Year 10 Pastoral Academic Care team



Year 12

Welcome to 2023 - the last year of formal schooling for your students!


Many students and parents are feeling overwhelmed at the thought of quickly approaching the end of school and entering the big wide world, so I want to take the opportunity to remind everyone to slow down and enjoy every moment; every “last” (first day, swimming carnival, photo day, athletics carnival, founders day, English lesson - the list goes on!), every milestone and every event.


Year 12 is a stressful time for many and it’s important to remember that here at O’Connor there is a whole team of people who are here to help and support your students with both their academic endeavours and with their wellbeing.


Some important names for you to note this year are:


Our Pastoral Academic Care team made up of Mr Frank Patricks, Miss Jessica Armfield, Miss Lauren Donnelly and Mrs Clare Healy;


Our wellbeing staff including:


Mrs Mellissa Bell (Assistant Principal - Wellbeing) Mrs Tanya Simmons (Wellbeing Officer)


And also Mrs Carleigh Eastlake, our Leader of Learning - Inclusion, who is here to support all students with things such as provisions for the HSC assessments and exams.


Please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself or any of the staff that I have mentioned with any questions or concerns you may have regarding supporting your student over the coming months.

Pictured above is Keyden Perkins and Jordan Redmond making the most of the recent University Roadshow opportunity that allowed them to meet and chat with representatives from Southern Cross, UNE, Charles Sturt and University of Newcastle - just one of many exciting opportunities available to students. 


Amanda McFarland, on behalf of the Year 12 Pastoral Academic Care team.