Religious Education News

Mr Andrew May  

Ash Wednesday


This week we celebrated Ash Wednesday mass, thus commencing the season of Lent in the Church’s calendar. Lent is a time of reflection, fasting and charity, during which time we are called upon to actively seek to improve our own lives as well as the lives of others. 

Many years ago I was involved in a discussion about the nature of fasting, and why we are called upon to do it. Whilst many people may think of fasting as going without food or eating less, in today’s world it can be much more than that. Fasting and abstinence may be:

  • Refraining from conspicuous consumption, such as buying an additional pair of shoes or jeans that we don’t really need
  • Refraining from idle gossip
  • Avoiding behaviours that might benefit ourselves, but harm others.


During Lent we are called to think about how we can improve the lives of others. A great way to do this is through supporting Project Compassion. Each year the Catholic aid agency Caritas selects communities around the world to be a special focus for support. This year, Project Compassion focuses on countries such as Nepal, Zimbabwe and Vietnam, as well as Aboriginal communities in Australia. You will note that Caritas makes no distinction in regard to religious beliefs - whilst money may be raised by Catholics, or Catholic supporters, it goes to whoever needs it the most, regardless of their religious beliefs. 


During this Lent the school will be supporting Project Compassion in a number of ways. We celebrated Shrove Tuesday with the traditional pancake breakfast, raising over $250. In a few weeks, we’ll conduct the Pauper’s Banquet, where a lucky few will get to feast on KFC, Pizza and other unhealthy (but delicious!) foods, whilst the rest will dine on nutritious (but bland!) boiled rice. This represents the reality of our world, where 20% of the world's population hold onto 80% of the wealth, whilst 80% of the world’s population make do with what’s left. 


During this Lent, may we remember the words of this Lenten prayer.


May I stand in solidarity today with all my brothers and sisters around the world who are suffering. May we be united in your love, and may I work to build your kingdom here on earth.


Pancake Tuesday 


On Tuesday 21st Feb, students from the O’Connor St Vincent de Paul group together with Lasallian Youth Leaders raised over $250 for Project Compassion by cooking a pancake breakfast for students and staff of the school. The morning was a great success, even if the BBQ tended to burn pancakes if they were left sitting for too long (maple syrup and chocolate topping are great for disguising the flavour of burnt pancakes!). The length of the queue and the fact that no mixture was left over at the end of the morning prove that Mrs Healey’s pancake recipe is definitely a recipe for success. 


A huge thank you to all the students who helped out with the morning, Mrs Healey for letting us make a mess in the kitchen on Monday afternoon and Mrs Leggatt, who did all the behind the scenes work to ensure that the activity took place even though she could not be there. And finally, a HUGE thank you to the students and staff who risked their lives in buying (and eating!) our pancakes!


LYL Retreat


On Wednesday 22 Feb (Ash Wednesday) 21 year 11 students gathered at the Torreggiani Room behind the Catholic Schools Office to engage in the Lasallian Youth Leader’s retreat. Our LYLs are students who have volunteered to assist with our Year 7 and 8 PAC classes. In this role they act as mentors for the younger students, as well as assist in running retreats. The day was led by our two Lasallian Youth Mentors, Sophie and Jayden, as well as Damian from Lasallian Mission Services in Sydney. 


The LYLs spent the day learning some of the key skills needed for them to be able to lead small group activities, as well as learning more about themselves and their own special skills and abilities. 



Year 8 and 10 Retreats


This week has been a very busy one for retreats! On Wednesday our LYLs came together, then on Thursday Year 8 and on Friday Year 10 students gathered at the Torreggiani room for their retreats. Both days were very busy with students participating in a range of activities. 



The theme of the Year 8 retreat was ‘Heroes’. Students examined what being a hero actually means, and reflected on who are the heroes in their lives. Year 10’s retreat focussed on the idea of leadership and the ways in which leaders can influence others. This is particularly important given that later this year, Year 10 students will be given the opportunity to become Special Religious Education assistant catechists, as well as apply for Lasallian Youth Leader positions as they move into Year 11. 



Mr Andrew May

Religious Education Coordinator




Our Founders - St Angela Merici and St John Baptiste De La Salle

Saints Mary and Joseph Cathedral Parish


Keeping in touch with what is happening in the Cathedral Parish is easy through their website and Facebook pages.


With such a difficult year and a half it has been harder for parishioner's to give to the parish through the plates, particularly when the church is closed as it is at present. The Parish account details are available on the Parish bulletin. 



Cathedral Parish Website

Information about our founders


La Salle Website

Ursuline Sisters Website