Bill Stewart

Students are currently using Connect which is a platform that the College uses to enable students and parents a secure and convenient access to their education anytime and anywhere. 


Please refer to the attached information sheets for further details, including how to access the Connect Now App. There are two information sheets attached: 

  1. Step by Step guide for parents – this will provide new and existing parents who need to reacquaint themselves with how to use Connect, the necessary information and step by step details.
  2. Quick Guide for Parents (Secondary) – this will provide existing parents who need a quick refresher with the details of how to navigate and use Connect.


Parents who are new users of  Connect have been sent an email to register as a user. The email came from


If you have any queries in regard to this, please contact Jodi Baggetta via email 


I would welcome parent communication to support a positive resolve of an issue. Please either email or phone 97822100.