Student Awards

Student of the Week

20 February 2023


For sharing his knowledge and ideas during class discussions and trying his best with his work. What a fabulous start to Prep Justin!



For always helping others and keeping the classroom tidy by pushing chairs in. Thank you for your attention to detail!



For her increasing attention and focus towards her Writing tasks this week. Keep it up Zahara!



For his amazing narrative writing and trying his best during his all his writing sessions. Keep up the great writing Zayden!



For consistently making thoughtful and reflective contributions to classroom discussions. You are amazing Olivia!



For being a supportive class member and displaying excellent intiative and leadership skills. Keep up the great work, Charlie!



For questioning ideas in order to improve her impressive knowledge during numeracy group sessions. Excellent work, Hanna.


Language specialist award YEAR 4  ~

For their amazing focus and collaboration when writing sentences using different French sujects (he, she, I). Congratulation Year 4! 


PE Specialist Award YEAR 5/6S  ~

For their enthusiasm and cooperative teamwork during physical education activities.


Mathematic Specialist Award PREP  ~

For working together to learn the days of the week. Keep up the great work!


STEAM Specialist Award YEAR 5/6S  ~

For their exceptional thinking about light sources and how shadows are formed.


Visual Arts Specialist Award YEAR 3 ~

For their excellent time management and focus. Congratulations you were one of the only classes who all finished their weekly activity.


Performing Arts Specialist Award YEAR 5/6A

For the enthusiastic and creative manner in which they participated in group charades.


27 February 2023  



For trying her best to form her letters accurately and ensuring her work is completed carefully. Fabulous effort Cora!



For demonstrating respectful teamwork skills and always helping support his classmates. Well done Thomas!



For her kindness and compassion. You have been very attentive to the needs of your classmates this week, Sasha, and it's been wonderful to see. Keep it up!  



For showing determination in finishing all of her tasks for the week, keep up the great work!



For his excellent introduction to his persuasive writing piece. You certainly convinced me! Great effort Jack!



For applying excellent problem solving strategies in Mathematics while completing complex tasks. Keep up the good work, Mack!



For the initiative and leadership skills he displays in his role as house captain. Keep up the awesome work, Leo.


Languages Specialist Award PREP ~

For welcoming our four French exchange students and introducing them to the class. Thank you to all the Preps for being so kind with them!


PE Specialist Award YEAR 2  ~

For improved listening and focus and working hard on their ball handling skills.


Mathematics Specialist Award YEAR 4  ~

For working diligently with a partner to display their knowledge of dates and calendars.


STEAM Specialist Award PREP  ~

For showing their excellent understanding of how our bodies move.


Visual Arts Specialist Award PREP ~

For creating wonderfully colourful collages of their family homes.


Performing Arts Specialist Award YEAR 2

For their enthusiastic participation in vocal warm up exercises and practising their production songs.