In the Kitchen

A big thank you to Marie and Mary from Bunnings in Vermont South, who not only came out to help 5/6A in the garden, but also bought lots of plants, sugar cane mulch and compost to freshen up our garden beds. We now have lots of lovely vegetables growing to harvest and cook with when the plants mature.


This week in the kitchen, we belatedly celebrated Shrove Tuesday. Thank you to Scarlett for bringing in her Grandmother's Hungarian Crepe recipe. The students really enjoyed them with either jam, or lemon and sugar. We made jam from frozen mixed berries and we will be enjoying that next time in the kitchen. We also made Japanese pancakes, which much to everyone's surprise, were quite yummy! How lucky am I that the wonderful students in 5/6A made me an M for Ms Maarse out of crepe mixture.

Japanese Pancakes
Hungarian Crepes
Crepe making team
Japanese Pancake making team
Jam making team
Crepe making team
Japanese Pancakes
Hungarian Crepes
Crepe making team
Japanese Pancake making team
Jam making team
Crepe making team

The Vermont South Bunnings Team are running a free Easter themed event. If you're interested in attending, check out their flyer below.