
Physical Education, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, STEAM, French

Physical Education

Last Friday students in grades 4-6 participated in the first of our 2 day interschool sports sessions at Jells Park. We had a cricket team, teeball team, 2 kickball teams and 2 Volleystars teams. They demonstrated wonderful sportsmanship, teamwork and resilience as they played various schools within our WESA district. Congratulations to all the teams!

Visual Arts

Over the first few weeks of term the students have been participating in a unit on self-portraits. We looked at examples of self-portraits painted hundreds of years ago and explored reasons why portraiture began to change in style after the invention of photography.  Students considered how some self-portraits are very realistic, making a detailed record of the artist‘s appearance while other portraits are more difficult to interpret and portray the artists feelings rather than their looks.


In their practical task the year 5/6’s were inspired by the work of Nate Williams an Artist / Graphic designer. They produced stylised silhouette self-portraits, incorporating text which detailed people and activities of personal significance.


Year Four experimented with a subtle 3D element in their self portraits, incorporating the use of self pastels to create a back lit effect.

The Year Ones looked at Freda Kahlo’s use of space when composing their self portraits and based their colour scheme on a Paul Klee work.



It has been fantastic watching the students produce such creative and thoughtful art pieces.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            


Over the last couple of weeks, the Preps have continued their investigations into movement. After exploring how their bodies moved, they next looked at how toys move. Toys can bounce, roll, and even fly. We even made a Venn diagram! Did you know that the Venn diagram was named after John Venn over 100 years ago?

In grade 1 and 2, the students continued to look at push and pulls. One week we played some push and pull games. Next we explored the concept of gravity by pushing balls into water and feeling the upward push as well as holding a heavy bottle in the air and then comparing that to lifting the bottle out of water.

The grade 3s and 4s made friction frogs to explore how friction works. Friction will slow objects down. They then explored the north and south poles of magnets and how they react to each other. Did you know that the Earth acts like a big magnet and produces a magnetic field?


Grade 5/6S were challenged to use mirrors to make their light reflect in different directions, and then explored which materials were transparent, translucent, or opaque. We discussed how light can travel a long way - think of the sun and the stars - until something gets in its path.


Watch Nolwenn, Malo, Louise and Gabin introduce themselves:

This week, the Grade 1 students have played  'Jeu de l'Oie' (Game of Goose) to revise the colour, number and greeting words that they learnt last year:

Here they are in action: