Mission and Religious Education

Jacqueline Cronin

Assistant Principal - Mission

Mission and Religious Education


Mini Vinnies Catholic Earthcare

Our Mini Vinnies Catholic Earthcare Committee does amazing work in our school leading Social Justice initiatives. On Ash Wednesday Mr Paul Burton the NSW State President of St Vincent de Paul and Mrs Cassie Croft the Schools and Youth Engagement Coordinator - North West met with our Mini Vinnies Catholic Earthcare Committee to talk about the work of the St Vincent de Paul Society and Mini Vinnies. The students also spoke to them about the work we are doing at St Michael’s and took them on a school tour to see our initiatives. Ruby Kenafick presented Mr Burton and Mrs Croft with a school pen in appreciation of their taking time to support and encourage our school community, especially the Mini Vinnies Catholic Earthcare Committee members.


St Patrick’s Day - St Michael’s Is Going Green

Friday 17 March is St Patrick’s Day and St Michael’s is going GREEN! Our Mini Vinnies Catholic Earthcare Committee have been discussing eco-friendly ideas to support charity. A big shout out to Chelsea Holden in Year 5, who has been researching eco-friendly fundraising ideas that we can use. On St Patrick’s Day everyone is encouraged to wear green and bring a donation of at least a gold coin. All money raised will go to Caritas Australia Project Compassion Campaign. The aim of their work is to address world poverty through education and equipping the poor and vulnerable with resources to help them live with dignity. The Mini Vinnies Catholic Earthcare Committee will meet to plan this day further. 


Project Compassion Boxes

Project Compassion Boxes were sent home to each family on Ash Wednesday. Families are encouraged to contribute to Project Compassion “The theme of Project Compassion is ‘For All Future Generations’. This phrase is a powerful affirmation that the good that we do today will extend and impact the lives of generations to come. It is also a call for all of us to play our part in making the world a better place by working together as sisters and brothers in finding long-term solutions to global issues.” Kirsty Robertson Caritas Australia


Project Compassion Boxes can be returned to school at the end of Term 1 or to St Michael’s Church.


Parish Lenten Groups

Parents, carers and friends are invited to attend the Parish Lenten groups held in the Presbytery at 5.00pm each Monday during the Lenten Season commencing Monday 27 February. Lenten groups are a time to gather and pray together. Everyone is welcome. Please contact Father Curran for further information.


Stations of the Cross

During the season of Lent the Stations of the Cross are prayed in St Michael’s Church at 5.00pm on a Friday evening. Everyone is welcome. 


Whole School Mass

Our next whole school Mass is 9.30am Friday 10 March. Everyone welcome.


Key Upcoming Dates

Friday 10 March 9.30am Whole School Mass - everyone welcome

Friday 17 March, St Patrick’s Day Fundraiser for Project Compassion

Thursday 6 April, Holy Week Liturgies - everyone welcome

Wednesday 28 June, First Reconciliation

Sunday 30 July 10.00am, First Eucharist


Living Well, Learning Well - Pastoral Care and Wellbeing 

Legends of the Light Shine 

The focus for our Legends of the Light Shine Program for the next 2 weeks is ‘charity’. In 1 Corinthians St Paul calls us to “...abide in faith, hope and charity and the greatest of these is charity”. Charity is also referred to as love. Charity is a key social teaching of the Catholic Church and a main focus of this term’s RE Lenten units where we are learning about the importance of charitable works which calls us to help the poor and vulnerable in our society and world. As Christians we have a preferential option for the poor and believe that a basic moral test of society is how our most vulnerable members are faring, as together we work to protect the dignity of each human person. 


St Michael’s Clean Up Australia Day

Friday 3 March is St Michael’s Clean Up Australia Day. On this day staff and students will take time to clean up our playground in support of the Clean Up Australia Day campaign on Sunday 5 March. You may like to send a pair of gardening or other protective gloves with your child to school for this activity.



Lightshine7 is our service and acts of kindness program. In Week 7 each class will engage in an act of service within the school, parish or local community. On dates of the month including a 7 i.e. the 7th, 17th and 27th we encourage students and all in our school community to engage in a random act of kindness. Contemporary research tells us that acts of service are a key aspect of developing a positive sense of wellbeing.


“Let Your Light Shine” support others to let their light shine and remember “We Shine Brighter Together”

Jacquelene Cronin

Assistant Principal - Mission