Message from the Principal

Mrs Bronwyn Underwood

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have now passed the half way point of Term 1. The calendar is extremely full for the remainder of the term with wonderful learning activities. Please ensure that your child is in attendance at school and on time, every day that they enjoy good health, to optimise their learning opportunities. A reminder that all children should be wearing plain black school shoes on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Plain black school shoes are part of our uniform and I appreciate the effort made by most families. School photographs will be taken on Thursday March 2. All children are to wear their summer school uniform including correct shoes - plain black school shoes.


On Tuesday February 28, the Leadership Team at St Michael's - Cathy Shepherd, Jacquelene Cronin, Amanda McNair and myself, will present the school's 2023 Annual Improvement Plan to Catholic Schools' Office personnel and some Diocesan Principals. Our visitors will walk through the classrooms and see the children and teachers at work. On Friday March 3, the Leadership Team will travel to St Edward's in Tamworth to view their Annual Improvement Plan and to visit classrooms. We are looking forward to showcasing our great school and in turn to see others in action. Our Annual Improvement Plan will be unpacked in future newsletters. In the meantime, all children who have not reached Level 30 benchmark should have been issued with their home reader. The reader should be at an independent level for your child, to enable practise of fluency and accuracy when reading. Instructional level readers are available to the children during reading rotations in our daily Literacy Block. If you have any questions related to home reading, please contact your child's classroom teacher in the first instance.


Music tuition has commenced at St Michael's. Many families have taken the opportunity to have their child tutored in playing a musical instrument, under the guidance of tutors from the Conservatorium of Music in Tamworth. Tutors visit the school to alleviate the need for families to travel to Tamworth. Instruments include piano, violin, guitar, drums, ukulele and PBuzz. If you are interested in this opportunity for your child, please contact the Conservatorium in Tamworth or the office at school.


Enjoy a wonderful week.

Bronwyn Underwood