
George, Pablo and Marley

Please read our Curriculum Booklet for details of the two main components of our Social and Emotional Learning program at BBPS:

  • The Resilience Project (TRP)– practicing Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness
  • Resilience, Rights, and Respectful Relationships – a mandated curriculum

Throughout the year students also engage in a range of social skills interventions within their classrooms to support them to build their understanding of emotional regulation, growth mindset and positive friendships. More on these in future ‘wellbeing’ sections of the newsletter. 

One of the other ways we support our children in positive play is through the facilitation of Lunch Time Clubs. We offer alternative play spaces for students who might seek some quieter time away from the playground, 2pm daily:

  • Our library is open for reading and craft/colouring
  • Our Art Room is open on Mondays 
  • The ‘Knuckle’ (middle part of our CLC) will be open to Grade 1-6 for construction and game play Tuesday – Friday.

To help us stock our ‘Knuckle’ play space we are looking for any of the following donations – if you are doing a sort at home and can pass these items on, please take them to the Administration Office:

  • Lego, Duplo, Building blocks – anything of the ‘making’ nature
  • Board games, Card games, puzzles – please make sure no parts are missing
  • Imaginative play – dress ups, puppets, dolls/figurine sets, role play kits

Thank you in advance!


Additionally, our Grade 6 leaders will be running lunch time clubs daily in the Kitchen Garden. Having had their first planning meeting today, leaders will now begin to finalise details and share these with students across our school. Lunch Time Clubs provide students with a fantastic alternative during play time in a supportive and structured setting. These will begin in week 6 (it is currently week 4).


RUNNING CLUB begins next week, grades 1-6. Running Club will be held in term 1 and term 4 - Prep are welcome in term 4, but we encourage a quieter start to the day for term 1 while students are transition into full weeks at school. From 8:15-8:45am students are invited to join our team of runners, taking on our track throughout our school / Windermere Crescent, along our oval fencing. Parents are welcome to attend - we especially appreciate help with supervision and lap monitoring. If it rains the night before (or morning of) Running Club will be cancelled.