Home Learning

Home Learning
Homework is being renamed Home Learning to build on the understanding that learning and approaches to learning are life long skills, with general learning intentions that prepare our students for ongoing success:
To be able to manage time effectively
To be able to meet deadlines
To be able to provide evidence of learning
The Torrens Home Learning will be presented in grid form as pioneered by renowned educator and researcher Ian Lillico. Ian is recognised as a worldwide leader in the field of education and his research advocates a balance of:
Physical activity
Revisiting what is learnt at school
Cultural pursuits and
Learning household tasks.
Classes use the JARS acronym to help them organise these tasks:
J for Jobs or household responsibilities.
A is for Activities, with many of our students routinely participating in sporting clubs / lessons.
R stands for Reading, such a vital life skill. Both reading aloud and being read to are essential elements for children at this age.
S refers to special project This will be working on Gaining Your Wings or other identified initiatives.
Students will be given opportunities at school to show evidence and both give and receive feedback of the completed tasks within each fortnightly cycle. Peer and teacher feedback is a powerful and integral part of this learning process.
Students have choice about how they would like to record their evidence of task completion and reflection responses.
Students will be able to access the Torrens Home Learning grid through the Torrens 3/4 Google Classroom. Paper copies can be provided where required.
Many students have been using online programs like Numerical Acumen to help hone their fluency and automaticity.
Well done to winners of the Numerical Acumen Challenge from semester 1 - Emi, Jaxon, Giorgio, Alanna and Leila. Certificates and medals for dedication, performance and improvement will to be presented to these 5 Torrens students during an awards evening held at Prince Alfred College, Kent Town next week.
In addition, a huge congratulations to T16 who have earned a special prize as a Motivated Class for their commitment and ongoing involvement throughout the semester 1 Challenge.