Specialist Learning

Physical Education
This semester, the emphasis of the PE program will continue to be the development of skills, coordination, cooperation, enjoyment and healthy, positive attitudes to physical activity, in order to prepare students for future recreational pursuits. Each activity allows students to learn through self-discovery rather than coach direction, this allows your child to engage at their own ability level.
In year 3 and 4, students start to perform a broad range of complex motor skills, mainly in sport-specific situations. They begin to use and understand basic games’ tactics and are encouraged to show fair play and respect to their peers and to officials.
This term, Science sessions will be approached in a more integrated manner, aligning with the units of work Torrens are conducting in their classes. This will allow a more holistic style of learning. There will be an emphasis on the General Capabilities as well as the important Inquiry Skills of identifying questions that can be investigated and making predictions as well, of course, as the Science Understanding and how it relates to their lives.
We are inquiring into the biological classification of living, non-living and once living things. Included in this is an information report on a chosen animal, broadening it to encompass such aspects as to how it evolved and how we can best ensure its survival.
Science will be shared along with other learning at the end of term exhibition.
German and Greek
Language learning experiences include reading and creating written texts, oral interactions and listening tasks. Students communicate with peers to share ideas and opinions, relate experiences and express feelings. When participating in collaborative activities and classroom routines, students ask and respond to questions, working both independently and collaboratively to develop and enhance their vocabulary and language learning skills.
Students are encouraged to support their learning and build their confidence and fluency by working online with Duolingo, the world’s largest online language learning platform. Duolingo can be accessed at home and is very easy to follow. Each student has an account and their progress is monitored. Share in this learning at home. Parents can learn too!
Google Classroom has also become an integral of our teaching and learning. Students are encouraged to check Google Classroom regularly. It is used to share announcements, pose questions, extend learning and give feedback. It is a valuable means of communication where additional information and resources can be shared and accessed by students at any time, not just during their language lessons.
OPA Thursday has been successful and will continue to take place in the gym at lunch time once a month. All students are encouraged to join in the experience of Greek music and dance.
Premier’s Be Active Challenge
The Challenge: To be physically active for 60 min a day (R-7 students), for 5 days a week, for at least 4 weeks, in order to earn a medal. Activities are many and varied. Recess and lunch play can be included as well as any other physical activities that are undertaken at school or outside of school. There is no online recording available this year it must be done on the recording sheet supplied and once completed returned to your class teacher. Students can collect a recording sheet during their PE lesson. The challenge closes on the last day of this term. Please return PBAC recording sheet by the end of the term.
Students are reminded to bring a drink bottle to school, wear suitable clothing and footwear to all PE lessons to ensure their full participation. Our Torrens PE lessons are on the following days:
T16 - Thursday
T17 - Wednesday
T18 & T19 - Tuesday
Later this Semester, the Keeping Safe Child Protection Curriculum will be taught by your child’s class teacher, with the aim to teach all children in an age appropriate way to:
recognise and respond to risks
participate online safely and responsibly
understand ways of keeping themselves safe
recognise abuse and have strategies to get support
Bike Education
Beware of bikes and bike riders as you visit LNPS on a Monday, Thursday or Friday in coming weeks!
Each year, LNPS Year 4s participate in the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure’s (DPTI’s) Way2Go Bike Ed program. Qualified instructors conduct 3 x 90 minute sessions each day during the program.
Through participating in a session each day over the 6 days of the program, students will:
- build their knowledge and understanding of
the road laws and traffic environments
- develop bike handling and maintenance skills
- develop decision making skills for off and on-
road bike riding.
Before the first session (Monday 3 Sept), the RAA will check student bikes for roadworthiness. Those students who do not own or cannot access a bicycle are able to use bikes and helmets provided by Bicycle SA during their session.
Students are provided with their own journals to use during sessions and as a reference once the course has concluded.
Families are reminded that students must have appropriate clothing, closed footwear and bring a rainproof jacket for each session to ensure rider safety and comfort whilst riding around the school yard and in quiet streets nearby.
Sessions this year are scheduled for Monday 3/9, Friday 7/9, Monday 10/9, Thursday 13/9, Friday 14/9 and Monday 17/9.