Dates for your Diary

Term 3
Week 3-4
6/8 - 17/8 Goal Setting Conferences
(refer to class appointments for specific times)
Week 4
Science Week
Week 5
Book Week - Find Your Treasure
Week 4
17/8 Primary Assembly
Week 6
31/8 Science Focussed Whole School Assembly
Week 8
14/9 Whole School Assembly
Week 9
21/9 Primary Assembly
Week 10
28/9 Whole School Assembly
Term 4
Future dates and events will be published via the weekly iNewsletter and Skoolbag app.
Year 3 Community Initiatives
During Term 2, year 3 students were learning about community and their role in it. They were visited by a representative from Vinnies. This sparked a drive and passion in the students that was fantastic to witness, all students had a desire to help Vinnies and their community. The students formed groups and through research and planning they had to present their proposal for helping the community to the ‘Shark Tank’.
During Semester 2 students’ charity proposals will run all in an effort to help their community. There will be a range of ideas on display from school discos, food and clothing drives and stalls. So keep an eye out!