Level 2
Grade 2 students have been getting stuck into their learning all about dinosaurs and prehistoric animals. They are able to identify dinosaur features, know about dinosaurs diets based on their teeth, they have explored what plants would have looked like millions of years ago and written information reports about Triceratops. Mr Le’s grade is even building a dinosaur skeleton out of sticks.
We have been learning about how to be inclusive and show gratitude in our Resilience Project lessons.
In Mathematics we have been learning all about graphs; how to read and understand the information and creating our own graphs.
The Cupcake Day last Friday was a huge hit! Student’s practiced their graphing skills by asking what their favourite flavour was, writing a fun piece about cupcakes using their senses and tasting the delicious cupcakes!
Level 2 Team – Marita Horvath, Marianne Kehoe, Hannah Ambrose, Sam Anderson, Khay Le, Linda Giardino and Natalie Bellis.