
Happy 100 Days of School! 

On Wednesday 3rd August, Foundation students celebrated being at school for 100 days. Students have definitely been working hard in Foundation, as they looked 100 years old! Dress ups were absolutely fantastic and added to the fun of this festive day. Students spent the day engaged in writing about what it might be like to be 100 years old. They completed counting and sorting activities with their 100 items from home. They created their very own 100 Days at School crown which they wore with pride. A favourite activity by many was making (and eating) fairy bread, made with 100’s and 1000’s of course! 

National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day was celebrated the following day. This special day is an opportunity for us to show our support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, as well as learn about the crucial impact that culture, family and community play in the life of every Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child. Foundation students listened to stories and used their brilliant design skills to decorate a biscuit with icing, creating the Aboriginal flag. We are not sure if many biscuits made it home. 


The excitement continued during this week with Cup Cake Day on Friday. Foundation students demonstrated our values; responsibility and respect, as they managed their finances and waited patiently for their turn to buy a cup cake. A huge thank you to our Foundation families for supporting this fundraiser. 


Next week, Foundation can look forward to a puppet show and puppet making presented by Don’t Move Puppet Theatre. Also, don’t forget that Rangeview’s popular Book Week celebration day and dress up parade is coming up soon, on Tuesday 23rd August. The Foundation Team have been busy making their costume and we look forward to seeing Foundation students dressed up as a favourite book character, as well. 


Have a wonderful week! 

The Foundation Team 

Miss Bell, Miss Bonte, Mrs Keramidas and Ms Wilson