
Mr Su

Our Mandarin Learning in 

Term 3 at TCS

Junior Level


The Prep classes have started exploring a new topic of describing body parts and animals along with some useful expressions for daily conversations. We also learnt to sing some classic Chinese nursery rhymes including ‘Two Tigers’ which consolidates our learning of the new vocabulary. 


The Year 1/2 classes have been reviewing and extending their learning for family members including the differences between describing grandparents and aunties from mum’s side and dad’s side. The students also explored the formation of numbers in Chinese in both speaking and writing. 


Middle Level

Students from Year 3/4 classes continue to explore the topic of food. We also learnt a rainbow song to help us remember the different colours in Mandarin. After reviewing and extending the vocabulary of fruits and colours in the first two weeks, we have also been learning to describe different tastes of fruits and how to express and discuss our preferences for fruits in sentences. 


Senior Level

Continuing with the topic of countries and nationalities, the senior students have reviewed the different country names at the start of  Term 3. While extending the vocabulary to Asia-Pacific countries, we have also explored the formation of the Chinese characters such as “国/guo” (country) and “想/xiang” (want to) as part of the cultural learning. The students practised using sentences in groups as well, to communicate the countries they have been to and the ones they would like to visit.


Mr Su