
By Ms Milenkovich- Assistant Principal

Term 3 is an exciting time as this is when we enter our course confirmation and counselling period.


We have an extensive Pathways team that will meet individually with students in years 10, 11 and 12 throughout the year in order to develop a profile to support them effectively as they transition through the school and to be prepared for their journey beyond year 12. They provide course and career advice and students from all year levels can also self-refer themselves to get pathways guidance and support.

Additionally, we also have specialists that can support senior students with pre-apprenticeships and traineeships, all of which can be undertaken while students complete their studies.

In year 9 and 10 we have restructured our subject selections. We spoke with students and gained their insight and feedback about the structure of our programs and course options. Where students normally studied subjects for the year, they will now have the opportunity to study semesterised subjects. This gives students the opportunity to gain greater insight across different curriculum areas as they prepare for their transition into the senior school. This further allows students to pursue their interests in greater depth. Thus increasing engagement and successful student outcomes.


We are excited as we commence course counselling for our students entering the senior school with the introduction of the VCE Vocational Major, all senior students will now have access to our wide range of VCE electives. As we are a college with a 45 year history, we are proud to offer an extensive selection of courses and the facilities to support them. Next year will also see the introduction of more on-site VET courses, thus allowing more students studying VCE to access a VET in their timetabled classes.


More information about VCE and the VCE Vocational Major can be found here:

To support students as they plan for their futures, this year we invited old school alumni to share their experiences as students and their individual pathways. Students have attended trade expos and in some instances, we invite professionals in certain fields to speak with students. This week year 10 students will work through the Zoom into Senior Studies program (ZiSS). This is an opportunity for students to get a taste of year 11 subjects before completing course counselling.

This term course confirmations will commence for year 10 and 11 VCE students where staff meet with parents and students on Teams. Bookings are essential and can be made on Compass. 

Year 8 and 9 students will be selecting their classes in their Life Skills classes. We ask all parents and guardians to have conversations with students about their course selections. Students in years 9, 10 and 11 will all be provided with course handbooks and we encourage you to look at these also.



Key Dates




Week 3

27 July - Wednesday

Year 11 to 12 Course Confirmation

(Year 11 VCE finish 1.20pm

VCAL classes as per usual)

28 July - ThursdayYear 10 to 11 ZiSS
29 July - Friday
Week 43 August - Wednesday

Year 10 to 11 Course Counselling Day

(No scheduled classes for year 10)

Week 58 August - MondayYear8 into 9 Course Selection begins in Life Skills
Year 9 into 10 Course selection begins in Life Skills
Week 619 August - FridayCourse Selection concludes

More information about VCE and the VCE Vocational Major can be found here: