In the first two weeks of this term I have been reminded of the wonderful capacity of our students to show hospitality and be welcoming. In our first week we were very lucky to enjoy a live performance from the De La Salle Music Ensemble. De La Salle is a secondary boys college in Malvern and they did a tour in the area. For an hour many of our students were entertained and indeed inspired by these talented musicians. Sixty students presented a range of musical styles including Concert Band, Vocal Ensemble, Guitar Ensemble, Saxophone Ensemble and Rock Band. I am sure that for many of our students this was the first time they may have heard music performed in this way. They responded very positively and made our guests feel very welcome. They were a courteous and appreciative albeit quiet audience and De La Salle students and staff commented on the positive reception they received. 


At the beginning of this week I travelled to Charlton with the 10A Core Group to participate in the CHARTSEC Driving camp. This camp has been on our calendar for as long as I have been at the school which is quite a spell and it is a very enjoyable and important experience for our students. I was extremely proud of the way our students participated and the way they welcomed the people around them, from the manager at the accommodation, to the Driving Instructors and even the local proprietors. Again, everyone we encountered complimented our students on their manners, on their participation and friendliness, on their energy and on the way they engaged with others in such a positive and welcoming way. 


Speaking to people authentically, being friendly and open, saying hello and affirming the presence of others can often be taken for granted. Interestingly, when we are on the other side of things, when we are the recipient of that welcome or that friendly acknowledgement, we realise how important it really is. Our College Community Expectations outline that we all use appropriate language. This doesn’t just mean that we don’t swear, it also implies that we speak positively, that we use each other's names as a sign of respect, that we acknowledge the people around us as a way of recognising their dignity. 


Winter Uniform

From time to time we are still seeing students wearing beanies other than the College beanie. Whilst it is cold we do have a uniform option for this and it is not a new item. Beanies can be purchased from the Front Office at quite a low cost of $14.50. I have it on good authority that they are exceptionally warm!


We are still seeking donations of ties. If you notice that you have a spare tie at home we would really appreciate students bringing them into school. We have had a number of students commence during the year who do not have a tie as yet.



A reminder that the MacBooks are leased from the school and the primary function of these is as a learning device. Students are welcome to use their own personalised screensaver but this must be appropriate. All MacBooks should have a functioning cover on them. This protects them from potential damage and is essential.