
REALM homework support program MIC 

EACH Youth and Family

EACH Youth and Family are facilitating their free youth social programs for young people (aged 15 -25) over term 3 and 4.  Registrations now open.


Craft Space

What:                 Free, informal social craft space for young people in the Outer East.

When:                Every second Friday from July - December, 2:00pm - 4:30pm (excluding term breaks)

Where:               EACH, 9 Greenwood Ave, Ringwood.


Just Vibing

What:                  Online social group for young people to engage in fun activities within a safe and inclusive space.

When:                 Every second Thursday, 4:00pm - 5:30pm.

Where:                Online via Zoom.  Link provided on registration.


How:                    To register or for more information on either program contact Jodie Derrick on T: 0460 343 809 E: Jodie.Derrick@each.com.au