This Week's Updates

Dear Families,
What a fantastic celebration St James Week was!
This culminated in our Mini Mission Fete on Friday where, as a community we raised over $3,300 to donate to the two chosen charities, the Black Dog Institute and children who are Ukraine refugees in Poland.
The students were amazing in their enthusiasm, respect, care for one another and most of all sense of fun throughout the day. There were many contributors to this wonderful effort; our Year Five and Six students and staff who organised all of the stalls, our Year Four students who contributed the cakes, parents who helped with many aspects of the BBQ, parents who helped with set up, parents who helped on the cake stall and many other staff who helped out in a variety of ways. We also had donations form local businesses which we are most grateful for.
Thanks everyone for your support of the Mini Mission Fete.
Look out for further info in our Newsletter next week.
COVID Updates
- We recommend the wearing of masks by all students and have boxes of spare masks in all classrooms.
- Hand washing habits are hopefully well established.
- Hand sanitiser is also available in all learning spaces.
Here are a few other updates
- Congratulations to the Yr 5/6 boys who played in the division finals today at Elgar Park and won!
- Our next School Advisory Council meeting is tomorrow evening and will be held via zoom.
- Wednesday is our next Food Day.
- Friday is our Yr 6 Confirmation Reflection Day held at St John's Mitcham.
- We also have two Yr 5/6 Netball teams in the division finals on Friday afternoon.
- Friday is our Yr 5 Mass here at St James at 9am and our afternoon prayer service lead by our Yr 1s at 2.30pm
- On our School Closure Day, planned for Thursday 11 August , we have a guest speaker running our day on, 'Respectful Relationships'. Bookings can be made through Camp Australia if you need them for the day.
- The final day of this term will also be a closure day and we will facilitate the same care arrangements for families who require this.
- Students have asked for a Book Parade to launch Book Week on Monday 22 August. This will begin celebrations throughout the week, all centered around our world of books. Details will follow, but the rule is that each student can only use what they already have at home to come dressed as a book character. A sign, stating the character and the name of the book will be essential to advertise the books to look for and read!
Have a great week.