Year 3/4 Report

The Year 3/4 students have been continuing their inquiry into Australian History and the key events that have influenced the way we know Australia today. As part of their inquiry they have been exploring the importance of an Acknowledgement to Country through unpacking other acknowledgements, researching key people, places and landmarks of our local area. Students have been able to gain a deep understanding about why an acknowledgement to country is important and apply this new learning as they develop acknowledgements of their own. 


In Cultivating Community, students recently were involved in a cooking session. This was a great example of how the Year 3/4 students could work as a team due to all groups needing to complete different parts of the recipe during the preparation stage. This time students made San Choy Bao with Australian Bush foods. It was great to see all of the students working as a team and following each step of the recipe carefully to ensure the proportions were right. After cooking students were able to give a taste test, with this recipe being a favourite amongst a number of them. 


We look forward to more cooking experiences with ingredients from the garden next term.