Foundation Report

Inquiry - Toy Creations and Excursion to Scienceworks

Our Foundation students have been working hard creating their own toys. They began the term learning about toys and games from the past and compared them to toys which are available today. This allowed opportunities for students to unpack how toys have changed over time and identify what has stayed the same. 


Students have learnt about how some toys are made from watching videos and having discussions amongst peers. We learnt about ‘axles’ and how wheels on toys are attached to a pole which helps the wheels move. Some toys can move by being pushed and some need to be pulled.


We extended on our learning by going to Scienceworks for an excursion. The students had so much fun! They participated in a ‘Toys and Forces’ demonstration where they learnt about how different toys move and some students put this to practice with the  facilitator on stage. Thank you to our parents who volunteered to help us make this day extra special.  


To finish our Inquiry unit, the brief for creating a toy was that students needed to create a ‘moveable’ toy. Firstly they had to draft a drawing for their idea and explain it to a peer and their teacher. We are still currently in the ‘construction’ phase and students are finalising their toys. We can’t wait to showcase our toys to families in the Celebration of Learning on the 13th of August. 


Scienceworks Excursion: