School Council President Report

School Council Update

As we approach the home stretch of 2022, the APS Council has been busy in the background doing our best to deliver on our objectives of reconnecting the school community, improving the school facilities and raising funds to replace the decommissioned Grade 3-6 playground. I am grateful to the APS parents and staff who volunteer their time on the School Council, however, I wish to especially acknowledge the efforts of the many parents who donate equally as much time to working on our Fundraising and Buildings & Grounds Subcommittees. The many small and large events throughout the year could not proceed without their contribution to event planning and delivery. Additionally, many events could not have gone ahead if not for the generous donations of APS families and local businesses, and for the school community's willingness to get together and socialise. For that, the APS Council is incredibly grateful.


Last night, many APS kids enjoyed the sensory overload that was the school disco. Judging by my own kids' reaction, it appeared to be a roaring success. Thanks to Olivia Mouat, the Fundraising Committee and the many volunteers who put on such a great night for the kids. I'm sure many parents were stuck doing the Macarena with their kids before bed when they got home.


The Buildings and Grounds Committee have also been busy organising the first APS Working Bee for a few years. In these days of strict OHS, it is not as simple as one would think, so kudos to Liz Monaghan and the B&G Committee. A particularly great initiative is that the Working Bee will feature child minding and a free feed for volunteers! So come along, bring the extended family and let's hope for good weather. Keep your eyes out for the details on another page of this newsletter.


Upcoming planned events for the remainder of the year include:

  • APS Working Bee on October 9
  • Parent Trivia night on October 15, kindly sponsored by Ray White Taylor’s Lakes 
  • Family Colour Run in mid-Term 4, and
  • The ever-popular food themed days

As always, I'd encourage the school community to get involved wherever they can, whether it be by taking part in events, volunteering at events or on committees, or simply striking up a conversation with a fellow parent in the playground. And if you want to raise anything with the APS Council, please don't hesitate to reach out to any of the members in the playground (we're listed on the school website along with a photo so you'll recognise us), through the Aberfeldie Parents Facebook group or by emailing the school, Attn: School Council.


Trent Danaher

APS Council President