Wellbeing Report

Welcome to Spring in Melbourne.  One day you need an umbrella and the next day a hat.  Which brings me to a reminder that from now until the end of the school year, all students are required to have their broad brim hat at school.  Please make sure your child’s name is on their hat, this helps with hats finding their owners when lost.  Please note: there are a lot of jumpers in the lost property tub in the main building at present.


Term 3 this year has been an oddity; the first Term 3 onsite for students since 2019.  We are noticing that at the moment many students’ endurance, stamina and resilience are waning. Even though there is only this week and next week until the holiday break, it is important to ensure routines are kept as normal as possible and students are getting as much outside time as possible to give them a break from screens. Over the holiday break it is important that students have a break from all things school, Term 4 is a long one!!  At school, we are trying to keep things as routined and structured as possible as we know students work best in these structured and supported environments.  


During Term 1 last year we engaged a guest speaker, Chris Diacos, in running a parent session on building resilience in children. We had over 30 families attend and the overwhelming feedback was very positive and comments like, “Can we get her back, I would love to hear more from her”, was the result of the evening.  We have listened and we have rebooked Chris to return to Aberfeldie PS on Tuesday October 18. More details with a time and place to follow soon. In the meantime, you can learn more about Chris Diacos and her skillset here. If you attended last year, please spread the word to other families, Chris has a wealth of experience and is very entertaining. 


- Heather Golder


Parent/Carer/Guardian Opinion Survey

A reminder that the 2022 Parent/Carer/Guardian Opinion Survey is currently open until Friday 16th September. An invite to participate in the survey was emailed to all parents, so if you wish to take part, please check your emails. The survey is anonymous but is very valuable in providing us with insight into to the perspectives of the parent community. If you have difficulties, please contact the office. 


R U OK Day

R U OK? Day was Thursday 8th September 2022


R U OK? Day is our national day of action when we remind Australians that every day is the day to ask, ‘are you OK?’ and start a meaningful conversation whenever they spot the signs that someone they care about might be struggling with life.


R U OK? has released resources, tips and ideas to help you drive genuine change in your workplace, school and community. Further information and many more free community resources are available at ruok.org.au.