Important Dates & Events

Important Dates:

Please note that these dates are subject to change. Information and updates to dates will be made through Compass.





  • Tuesday 6th - Friday 9th September: Book Fair

WEEK 10: 

  • Tuesday 13th September: F-2 Community Open Session based on student Inquiry learning on 'Time & Place' (3:00-4:00pm - see below)
  • Tuesday 13th - Thursday 15th September: Year 3-6 Community Open Session based on student Inquiry learning on 'Time & Place' (3:30-3:45pm - see below)
  • Thursday 15th September: Pie and Lamington Food Theme Day
  • Thursday 15th September: Abers Got Talent! (1:50pm)
  • Thursday 15th September: Assembly (2:50pm)
  • Friday 16th September: Footy Colours Day
  • Friday 16th September: Last day of Term 3, 2:30pm dismissal




  • Monday 3rd October: Pupil Free Day 
  • Tuesday 4th October: Term 4 commences
  • Sunday 9th October: Working Bee


  • Monday 10th October - Wednesday 12th October: Year 3/4 Camp
  • Saturday 15th October: Trivia Night


  • Tuesday 18th of October: Parent Learning session with Chris Diacos
  • Wednesday 19th October: 2023 Foundation Orientation Session 1
  • Thursday 20th October: Soundgarage Performance (time TBC)


  • Tuesday 25th October: Specialist Showcase (more information to come)
  • Wednesday 26th October: 2023 Foundation Orientation Session 2


  • Monday 31st October: Pupil Free Day (Staff Professional Practice Day)
  • Tuesday 1st November: Melbourne Cup Public Holiday (Pupil Free Day)
  • Wednesday 2nd November: 2023 Foundation Orientation Session 3 and Parent Information Session


  • Friday 11th November: Remembrance Day



Inquiry Open Classrooms

Students across the school have been exploring history and the perspectives of others through the big idea 'Time and Place'. To celebrate student learning from this term, we invite parents to attend our Community Open Classroom Exhibitions in Week 10.





Foundation Toy Museum (in the Foundation classrooms)

The Foundation students have been inquiring into how toys have changed over time. Parents/carers are invited to the Foundation Toy Museum, where students will be sharing movable toys that they have designed and created.


Year 1/2 History Museum (in the Year 1/2 classrooms)

The Year 1/2 students have been inquiring into the connection between the past and the present and investigating their personal and family history. Parents/carers are invited to the Year 1/2 History Museum, where students will share their personal history.


Details: Tuesday 13th September - 3:00-4:00pm

Parents are invited to visit classrooms from 3:00pm where students will present their projects to parents who visit the museum. Students will be dismissed at 3:30pm as normal, however classrooms will remain open until 4:00pm for students to present their project to their parents. 



YEAR 3/4 & YEAR 5/6


Year 3/4 Acknowledgement of Country Display (in the centre of Foundation-2 building)

Year 3/4 students have been inquiring into European exploration and colonisation in Australia in the early 1800s and the impact on indigenous culture. They are honouring First Nations People by creating their own Acknowledgement of Country. Parents/carers are invited to visit the BER building to see their Acknowledgement of Country display.


Year 5/6 Immigration Museum (in the Year 5/6 classrooms)

Year 5/6 students have been inquiring into the significant events and developments that shaped Australia during the 1900s, including the gold rush and immigration. Students have written a biography about the life of someone who has migrated into Australia, including their migration journey, a map and timeline of the journey taken and other significant events in that person's life. Parents/carers are invited to the Year 5/6 Immigration Museum to see student work on display. 


Details: Tuesday 13th September - Thursday 15th September, 3:30-3:45pm. 

The Year 3-6 exhibitions will be after school on the selected days, and will be led by the students. Families are welcome to come and go at anytime between 3:30-3:45pm on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. 


If you are unable to attend and would like to organise another time to view your child's learning, please reach out to the classroom teacher. 


Kind regards,

Emma Sprakel & Erin McNamara


Footy Colours Day

Friday 16th September

On the last day of Term 3, we will be having our Footy Colours Day. We invite students to dress in their football/rugby/soccer colours to celebrate the day.We also encourage students to bring along a gold coin donation or if families prefer they can directly donate to this link. The money we raise through Footy Colours Day fund Fight Cancer Foundation’s education support programs, which keep kids with cancer learning while receive and recover from treatment. Looking forward to seeing everyone in their footy colours!

- Junior School Council


Working Bee

Aberfeldie Primary School Building and Grounds Committee is excited to announce our school Working Bee. All welcome so please round up grandparents, aunts, uncles etc. to assist on the day. No experience required with plenty to be done from planting, painting and removal of bushes.

  • When: Sunday 9th October 2022
  • Time: 9am till 3pm (please arrive and stay for as long as it suits you)
  • Meet:  School Admin building

We will be arranging for complimentary supervision of students for children on the day (or potentially part of the day) in the Gym and will provide snacks/drinks - more details to come. There will also be a free sausage sizzle to ensure everyone is well fed.


Please register your interest in participating here.


For any questions, please feel free to contact Liz Monaghan on 0400 399 029

Trivia Night

Book in the babysitters!! A much loved annual event is finally returning for the first time since 2019 and is a not-to-be-missed night out. 


On Saturday 15th of October 2022 the Aberfeldie Primary School Fundraising Committee invites all parents, carers and special friends of Aberfeldie Primary School to a fun filled 'Trivia Night' with delicious treats and a dance floor that is waiting for you. Ticket details and booking information will be released shortly. 


Fundraising from the event will contribute to the rebuild of our Grade 3-6 Playground. We have a number of opportunities for Event Sponsors, Raffle Prizes, Silent and Live Auction Items. If you have a business or affiliation that would be interested in contributing, please contact us at or call Megan Ftouni on 0417 609 060.


Get your crew together, start studying and dust off the dancing shoes!

We look forward to seeing you there. 


- Aberfeldie Primary School Fundraising Committee