Old Collegians

Don McCausland

Don McCausland
Don McCausland

Hi everyone – I hope you are well. Winter is here – wet and windy. Keep dry, warm and safe.


As this is the 80th anniversary of the opening of the Denmark School of Agriculture, I would like to recognise a couple of the original students both of whom are life members and their names on the Honour Wall. 


Open Day Reunion

 Open Day is 27th August this year. We will be celebrating 80 years since the opening of the original school in 1942. We invite all past students and staff to join us, including all those who attended DSA, DAJHS, DADHS, DAC and WACOA-Denmark.


The college will be running its usual fantastic activities and we will have an area set aside for the Old Collegians to congregate and exchange stories. There will be an exhibition of memorabilia including photos, artifacts, correspondence, blazers etc. A projector will be rolling photos from many of the years. 

We will be located in the library as well as having an adjacent marquee with tables and chairs. The Denmark Machinery Restoration Group will be running a fundraising sausage sizzle and there will be free tea and coffee. 

As previously mentioned, a plaque will be unveiled on the day.


Registration of persons attending is a necessity, so it is up to individuals to contact the college to obtain a ticket. Website address: https://bit.ly/DenmarkAg (ctrl+click)


Phone: 08 9848 0200. It would be helpful if you could also let us know for catering purposes. Email: hisylvi@bigpond.com.


Mal Ferguson, prefect 1943, achieved his 96th birthday on 30th July 2022, still has his drivers licence and is living at home in Perth with his wife, Elspeth, who is 95 years of age. Congratulations to you both on your milestones and achievements. 


Mal was first at Narrogin School of Agriculture for seven weeks before he was among the group of ten second year and 35 first year students were transferred to Denmark. Their transfer came about because of the military acquisition of the Narrogin facilities. It took him 48 hours to travel by train from his home in Mukinbudin to Denmark, with a few changes along the way. Mal became a prefect in 1943. Unfortunately, because of his age and mobility, he will not be attending the 80th anniversary reunion on Open Day this year but has expressed his wishes for a successful day and sends his regards to everyone. Well done Mal – you are an inspiration to all of us. 


Ron Wise, equal Dux in 1943, is 94½ years old and living in Albany. He still visits the pool and gym a couple of times a week. What a marvelous feat, well Done Ron. He originally came from Gnowangerup and was also enrolled at Narrogin before the 1942 transfer. He intends to be at the Open Day reunion and hopefully will be included in the ceremony to unveil a commemoration plaque.

Ron’s family has a tradition of attending the Denmark school/college over the years, also inspirational.  

Ken Solly, 1950-1951 past student, prefect 1951, champion athlete 1951, life member and name on honour wall, originally came from Katanning but now lives in York. He has just, in the last couple of months, suffered a mild stroke., Fortunately, not too serious. I’ve been speaking with him and he is managing well with medication. Ken has helped our 1953-1956 annual reunion by locating a bus for a day trip and somewhere suitable for our group dinner. Thank you for your help, Ken and wife, Wendy. Hope to catch up with you in York. We extend our best wishes to you in your recovery.


Ray Giblett, 1954-1955, past student, prefect life member and name on Honour Wall, is arriving in Perth from his home in Broken Hill on 5th August for a visit. His son Ashley is bringing him over to visit his East Perth FC mates, travel to his home town Manjimup and catch up with relatives, visit the original Giblett farm  and, of course, old Denmark school mates. It will be terrific to see him again.


Vale Dale Macmahon. It is with sadness that I report that Dale passed away on 14th July. Dale is the wife of Bruce Macmahon, 1956-1957 past student, committee member of the Old Collegians Association, life member, name on the Honour Wall. Dale attended our 1953-1956 reunions with Bruce every year and was a friend of all our wives and partners, with a very close association with the men. Son, Trevor, attended the college in 1983-1984, equal Dux and prefect 1984, Trevor’s son, Ben in 2014-2015 and Bruce’s twin brother, Peter – 1956-1957. 


Bruce Quicke represented the Old Collegians Association at the Albany funeral on 25th July. He and his wife, Margaret, are close friends. Dale was born on 26th March 1944 – maiden name Neuzerling, one of three girls and grew up in Tingledale near Walpole. She went to school at Tingledale but didn’t like it – even let down the tyres of the school bus on one occasion. After leaving school, Dale worked at Tingledale Lodge before moving to Albany to work at Beals clothing store. She met Bruce early in 1960 and they were married in October 1964. They had three sons, two grandsons – Hayden and Ben - and a great grandson - Kaelen. Her hobbies and interests were traveling, fishing, photography, drawing, jigsaws and scrabble.  She was involved in the Plantagenet Arts Council, Pantagenet News at various times being treasurer, preparing the annual calendar, rural reporter and on the editorial committee. 

On behalf of the committee, wives and partners I extend our deepest sympathy and condolences to Bruce, Brian, Trevor, Allan and all the Macmahon families on your sad loss. May she Rest in Peace.


As mentioned in the previous newsletter, it is one year ago on 7th August since Trevor McDonald went missing without trace near Meekatharra. His partner, Barbara and family are up at Meekatharra as I write this, to unveil the plaque dedicated to Trevor. Although we won’t be there in person, we will be with them in spirit and thinking of them on 7th August. We extend our love and comfort to Barbara, Charmaine, Jarvis, Danielle and Reece for what will be a very emotional farewell. 


Not got your name on the honour wall - contact us to have your name added. Contacts are: Wendy Sutton 0419 048 694; Marjorie Morrison 9848 1633; Delys Ravenhill 0427 408 051 or myself 0428 526 398, email: hisylvi@bigpond.com.


Don McCausland
