Manger Corporate Services 

Craig Armstrong

Craig Armstrong
Craig Armstrong

Student Allowances and Subsidies 2022

As we head into the second half of the year, many of the subsidies have closed for the year with the exception of the below:

Boarding Away from Home Allowance (BAHA) - AIC recipients only $1,320

Closing date: 25 November 2022

This subsidy applies to all students who are currently in receipt of AIC from the Department of Human Services (Centrelink).


Reminder to use our generic email addresses

In this time of staffing changes and staff leave, it is important to remember when emailing the College, to use one of our general contact email addresses. This is to ensure your query will be dealt with efficiently by the correct team.


Our contacts are:

for all general queries, enrolment applications, complaints, and feedback.

for all queries relating to students including attendance, excursions, appointments, and any other front office query.

for all queries relating to student billing, subsidies, allowances, payment plans, accounts payable and accounts receivable.


Staffing Updates

As mentioned in the last newsletter, we officially welcome Rebekah Henderson to the Marketing and Administration Support Officer role. You will notice some new graphic designs on our social media channels as a result of Rebekah's appointment with further branding to come!


Winter Uniforms

As most would be aware, it's been a cold and wet few weeks. This is just a reminder to parents and carers to check in with your child to make sure they have required warm / waterproof clothing for our conditions. Details of the approved clothing can be found in our Uniform, Booklists & Residential Requirements document.