Program Coordinator - Teaching & Learning

Mark Boynton

Mark Boynton
Mark Boynton

Term 3 is a very busy Term. 

Its very important to take the time and make the efforts to stay up to date with assessments and tasks, especially in Year 12.  It is very important that students with concerns about progress talk to their teachers or other members of staff who are available for support.



At the end of August, the opportunity to meet OLNA standards begins again with testing online for literacy (reading and writing) and numeracy.  To successfully meet the literacy and numeracy requirement, students must demonstrate the skills regarded as essential to meet the demands of everyday life and work in a knowledge-based economy. 


We continue to offer support in class and in after school tutoring sessions for students who feel they need assistance to get over the line.  We now have easy access to data to identify and support students at risk of falling short of these standards. 


Year 12 ATAR Exams

2022 Year 12 ATAR Semester 2 examinations timetable


Semester 2 Exam

Tuesday 20th September

ATAR Biology

Thursday 22nd September

ATAR English

Friday 23rd September

ATAR Maths Applications

Friday 14th October

ATAR Animal Production Systems

Monday 17th October

ATAR Plant Production Systems


2022 Year 12 ATAR course written examinations timetable



Wednesday 2nd November

ATAR English

Thursday 3rd November

ATAR Animal Production Systems

Monday 7th November

ATAR Maths Applications

Tuesday 8th November

ATAR Biology

Wednesday 9th November

ATAR Plant Production Systems



Year 10 Agricultural students have been busy assisting in the pruning of grapes vines at the Duckett’s Mill Vineyard. This has given students experience in pruning grapes by hand. A special thank you to Annette Stock for giving us the opportunity to use their vineyard.


Open Day

Saturday 27th August is Open Day.  This year our focus of the day is really showcasing what makes us different. Our Farm experiences, Equine and Trades areas will be open for viewing, you will get to see many reasons why our students and staff choose to be here.

There are no entry fees involved in attending the Open Day but we would like you to book a free ticket in order for us to track the number of visitors. 

Free Tickets are available at:

After Open Day this year many students are heading to Country Week and Work Experience, so there is a lot happening.  In the same week the College Farm will welcome students and staff from local Primary Schools. Year 5/6 students will come for a look at what’s happening in many of our farm enterprises.


Learning Support Coordinator – Shelley Parker

I have taken up the role of Learning Support Coordinator this term. I will be focusing on supporting students with additional needs, students who are at risk of not graduating and require additional support, and students who require assistance to pass their OLNA’s. My role will be to support staff to provide assistance and strategies to help these students achieve positive outcomes. 

I have begun by meeting with students and staff, to create supportive educational plans for these students, and to devise strategies for staff to apply when working with these students. I have commenced OLNA-focused tutoring on Tuesday afternoons, to provide further guidance and support for selective students who need it.


Study Tour  - Year 10 

In Term 4 (December 5-9th 2022) our annual Study Tour will take place; we have confirmed our base in Dwellingup and we will have the opportunity to visit many businesses and attractions in the week.  We have already confirmed visits to Elders, Afgri and Westrac CAT, as well as other agriculture related business. There will also be fun activities in Dwellingup, Bunbury and Mandurah.  We look forward to sharing the whole tour programme with you in the next newsletter.