Class Updates

Meet Miss Westberg
Welcome to Miss Westberg who will be taking over the Year 1/2 Class from Monday. Miss Westberg arrived here today after a long few days of driving from Karratha. We know everyone will make her feel very welcome at MDHS.
100 Days of School- Year 3/4 and K/PP
The Year 3/4 class and K/PP celebrated 100 days of school today. The children were lucky enough to participate in some fabulous activities, including:
- Paint yourself at 100 years old
- Stack up 100 cups
- Make a 100 star corwn or glasses
- Make a paper chain with 100 pieces
- Make a cereal necklace with 100 pieces between the group
- Count 100 baked beans
- Bean bag throw to make 100 and much more!
This was such an enjoyable day for all of the students and we would like to Thank Mrs Lamond, Mrs Melville, Mrs Louwen and Miss Moug for all of their amazing work to make this day happen.
At the end of Term 2 the Year 9-12 students participated in a whole day careers event run by RADIANT. RADIANT delivered their ‘Bright Generation’ program which is designed to empower rural and regional students to become their greatest selves. A group of young leaders, change-makers and industry representatives provided an interactive career fair, mentorship and future career planning to all students. The overwhelming feedback from the students was that it was a really fun, engaging and helpful day. The students appreciated interacting with young mentors who could empathise with their ambitions or concerns about the future. A big thank you to the Mukinbudin P&C for their generous donation to support the program to come to our school.