SJC Trivia Night

Our major social and fundraising event for 2017 will be our

 Trivia Night

on Friday 11th August, 2017

Our previous Trivia Nights have been a great success and loads of fun for all involved.

Trivia Night 2016

Friday 29 July saw another successful Trivia night run by the St James College P&F, which was by all accounts a great night out for all involved.


This year, we were supported with a bumper number of donations from local businesses.  These contributions to our night were much appreciated and I would encourage all our families, to take some time to read through this list of businesses and support them in return wherever you can.  $8000.00 was raised on the night, a great effort for sure, and so on behalf of my Co-President Ange McPhee and myself,

I’d like to thank all those involved in that final result. 


It’s difficult to name everyone by name but obviously our first thank you is to our MC for the night, Mr Marty Callanan for again offering up his expertise.  We’d also like to send out our thanks to all those parents who donated goods or gave monetary donations, to the office staff who put in so much time and effort in the lead up to the event, to all those St James staff who year after year both attend and help out on the night, to those members of the P&F itself who worked tirelessly with securing goods and organising them for the night and lastly, obviously, to all those parents who took the time to attend on the night.  Without your participation, it would all be for nothing. 


Shae Young

P & F Co-President