From the Principal

Dear Old Collegians – Jimmies Boys,


Welcome to this edition of the St James Old Collegians Newsletter. The purpose of the newsletter is to keep you informed of what is occurring at the College, and as a means for you to remain connected with St James and with each other.


In this edition there are articles reporting on recent student and College achievements, the recent accomplishments of some of our Old Boys, and on our current building works. These articles have been written by staff and students at St James College, and provide an insight to some of the happenings that we have enjoyed so far this year.


Also, you will find links in this newsletter to update your details. In the future we would like to be able to contact as many Old Boys as possible, so please take a moment to pass on any relevant information so that we may remain in contact with you, and speak to those who you may still see to have them do the same. In future editions we would like to detail personal achievements and stories of our Old Boys – similar to a Where are They Now?  So if you have any news or photos, please send through to the College Office.


Live Jesus in our Hearts – Forever!


Stephen Pooley
