Principal's Report

Welcome back to Term 2 onsite
It has been such a strange term, year for all of us. It is amazing to have all of our students back to onsite learning in the 'new' normal. The Prep-2 students had a great two weeks to settle in and now for years 3-6 to find their feet. It is slightly different at school but not too much. I know that some of the students were very anxious about returning and a little stressed about the unknown. They have settled really well into the new routine. The most exciting part of the day is still play time and lunch time and hanging out with friends.
Our teachers have done an amazing job of balancing fun and routine to get things back to a bit of normal for everyone. All of the advice we have received about making the return as comfortable as possible has been to provide time for care and support. To listen to our students and to also get back to routine to provide them with stability and consistency which reassures everyone that things are normal and on track.
We spent the curriculum day a few weeks ago planning what we could do to support the students returning. Like the messages we have all received I have just tried to be as clear as possible, this is what we need to do, these are the changes and this is why they need to happen. I am hoping that the next three weeks gives everyon the opportunity to regroup and then have a great holiday break returning after the holidays ready to finish the year out.
Enrolments for 2021
There has been a new policy released for the North Eastern Victoria Region in relation to Kinder to Prep transitions. This includes a new timeline for enrolments and a very strong message that your local school is the best school for you.
Locate your designated neighbourhood school using
Contact your designated neighbourhood school and submit an enrolment application for Foundation by 7 August 2020.
If you prefer, you may contact another local primary school to enquire about enrolling.
Your primary school will notify you of the outcome of your child’s Foundation enrolment application by 21 August 2020.
Thank you for our amazing thankyou.
Thank you from the school community
Have a great week everyone.