Year 8

Year 8 logo design

Logo design

by Yvette Walker and Jen Buchanan, teachers of Year 8 Design Technology


Artists and illustrators have long enjoyed a love affair with screen printing. In a design world dominated by aesthetic perfection and digital technology, there's been a recent trend to turn back to more traditional and bespoke printing methods.


This term Design Technology students had the opportunity to explore silk screening techniques in their Logo Design unit of work. Students went through a process of designing a two-colour logo which they then cut out of paper to create ‘screens’. The logo designs were printed onto material by pushing ink through the cut-out areas using a silk screen and squeegee.


Silk screen printing was developed at the turn of the last century and originally used in advertising and display work. Popularised by Andy Warhol in the 1960s, it has become a dominant tool for many creatives today and adds to the quality and signature of their work. 


Greta: My inspiration was mainly the New York cityscape and I wanted that to be included in my logo design because I think it's quite eye-catching. I really enjoyed sketching out and designing the logo on both my computer and on paper as I quite like drawing cityscapes and food icons such as the burger I drew at the bottom of my cityscape.

French cooking

by Dominique Rowlands, French teacher


Food is one of the biggest aspects of a culture.

To celebrate the end of term, Year 8 students watched the movie Ratatouille, learned about ‘les crêpes, les ingrédients, le matériel, la cuisson’ and participated in a fun cooking class.