Deputy Principal's Report

Years 11 and 12

Term 1 has been a busy term especially with Year 11 beginning their preliminary year for their HSC pathway, and Year 12 already half way through their HSC year. The rigor of senior study is very different to the junior school and, for some students, the senior course can be a challenge. In addition Year 11 have embarked on the new HSC this year. As a result the assessment policy for Year 11 has been changed to reflect the new HSC implementation.


Henry Kendall High School has a detailed assessment policy in place to support senior students. A copy is available on our website. Both Years 11 and 12 were issued with these at the beginning of term. Some key points for students and parents to remember in relation to the Assessment Policy:

  • All students are to sign for the assessment book and retain a hard copy.
  • The Assessment Policy is also found on the school website.
  • Misadventure: in the event of a major illness or problem occurring students must see the DP Curriculum as soon as possible. The student MUST see the Deputy Principal their FIRST day back at school to apply for a misadventure and submit appropriate paperwork. A medical certificate or statutory declaration needs to be submitted with the paperwork for the task mark to be counted. Examples of the documentation needed are found in the Assessment Policy.
  • Technology glitches are not a valid reason for misadventure. Students must be organised and have a backup plan of using a USB to back up their work and printing at school if the need arises.
  • It is also a good idea to map tasks on a calendar or organiser so that they have a visual reminder of what is needed for time planning.

Thank you to our parent community for your ongoing support of this important process.

Stage 5 (Years 8, 9 and 10) Assessment Booklet

Assessment booklets are currently being distributed for Years 8, 9 and 10. I ask parents to take the time to look at this document with your son or daughter and use it as a planning tool. This skill assists students with time management and also helps prepare them for the rigors of assessment planning in the senior school. The assessment schedules are also published on the school website.

Years 4, 5 and 6 Information Evening

On Tuesday 5 March Henry Kendall High School will be hosting an Information Evening for students and their families looking to enrol at Henry Kendall High School in the years ahead. We look forward to meeting our wider school community on this evening. Presentation is in the Library at 7.00pm.

Year 7 Information Evening

Welcome Year 7 !!!! Year 7 have transitioned extremely well into their new school surroundings. Can I thank parents for your support of your children in this important process. I’d also like to thank the school’s middle school team,  the student services team and the schools partner primary schools for all of their work behind the scenes in supporting year 7’s transition.


There will be a Year 7 Information Evening on Tuesday 12  March at  6.30pm.

Uniform Policy

Thankyou to all parents for your efforts in sending students to school in full school uniform. They look fantastic and the efforts are evident. Uniform is an important part of our school culture as how students wear the uniform at school and in our school community is an indicator of the pride and respect students have for themselves and Henry Kendall High School. A reminder to families that Lowes Gosford  is the school’s sole supplier, and in addition students are required to wear black leather upper shoes which is a WHS requirement in all classrooms and school grounds.


Please be aware girls are required to wear the schools sport short. Football shorts are not acceptable uniform – students have been informed  about this expectation so support of parents for the girls is greatly valued.


The school’s uniform policy is included in this newsletter. 

Mrs Donna James

Deputy Principal

Years 8, 10 and 12