Year 8
Year 8 Retreats
'Over the last two weeks, the Year 8s have been participating in their Retreats. The retreats have been centred on the theme of 'Role Models'. They have discussed role models in the world, role models in their lives and themselves as role models. As has been pointed out by many of the students, now more than ever the world requires individuals to stand up and do the right thing, and show others the right way. Amongst many games and icebreakers, the boys delved deeper into what a quality role model looks like, and how they can be better role models to those around them. I want to commend the four Year 8 homerooms on the way they responded to the retreats and on how they conducted themselves.
Also, thank you to the Year 10 Lasallian Youth Leaders who sacrificed their own time to assist with these retreats and be Role Models to the younger students.
Joel Harriss
Youth Minister