the art of life

Mitchell Brannan

Head of Learning

Art & Design


Karen Ferguson

Teacher - Studio Arts


During third term,  BSC hosted  life drawing classes for senior Studio Arts students once per week in after school sessions.


Teachers were invited to come along and draw as well, and several took advantage of this opportunity. In every session, the atmosphere in the room was focused and concentrated,  only broken at intervals so that participants could grab  a lolly or two (sugar needed to keep up our energy for drawing!)


The conclusion of every class gave way to much discussion of the completed drawings, allowing  all the participants to  share their creative experience with each other.


This is the third year that life drawing classes have been run at BSC and again it has been a great success.  The program provides a unique opportunity for students to hone talent and technique while drawing from life.  Students report that the experience is very inspiring.


Thank you to  the many students and staff who helped to ensure that these classes could take place. This program required a high level of  preparation for each class as well as  packing up afterwards. Many hands made light work and the support was greatly appreciated. 


Peter B
Peter B

Peter Biancofiore

Year 11

I found life drawing to be a great experience as, in the past I have mainly worked in a cartoon-like or unrealistic illustration style. The workshop was a good opportunity for me to explore another form of drawing that I had little experience with.


Adam R
Adam R

 Adam Reade

Year 11

The Life drawing program was an excellent opportunity to practise drawing from life and learn skills in form drawing. It was an experience that we were fortunate to be a part of and have have learned much from.


Elena C
Elena C

Elena Caffrey

Year 11

I really enjoyed life drawing, it was a great experience and I liked trying out lots of different mediums to draw with.


Jessie M
Jessie M

Jessie Marshall

Year 12

This was such a great chance to experiment and improve my drawing skills in a really lovely, accessible environment. Lots of fun!


Carys M
Carys M

Carys Matthews

Year 12

The life drawing program was a great way to improve my drawing skills. It helped me experiment and develop skills for my Year 12 work.