Music with Emily 

Term 1, 2023

Term 1 Timetable

Music with Emily Term 1 - Fortnightly Rotating Timetable
Week 12/31/2Prep/1 
Week 25/6 A5/6 B4Performance

On Wednesday our Year 4 class had there introduction in learning the ukulele. They started learning to strum and understand what a note looks like and a symbol, ie pause, when written. 



Choir is open for all year levels to join and we have had some Prep students come and join us. Choir rehearsals will be held each Wednesday during lunchtime. It's great to see so many students from all year levels getting involved.


First choir practice for 2023
First choir practice for 2023




"Music, at it's essence, is what gives us memories. And the longer a song has existed in our lives, the more memories we have of it."

Stevie Wonder


New Instruments

Towards the end of 2022, thanks to our donations recieved from your points allocation at Foodworks, we have been able to spend $300 adding to our Ukulele and Xylophone supplies.